Clay Shirky’s Writings About the Internet (
Prepared on: Tue May 23 22:30:29 EDT 2006
Use stemmer: TRUE
Phrase arity: 1
Unique words: 5,406
Summary of subjects
Recent: 19 articles; 266,403 chars; 3,732 unique words
Napster and Peer-to-Peer: 21 articles; 84,213 chars; 1,826 unique words
WAP and the Wireless Internet: 5 articles; 1,105 chars; 16 unique words
Globalization and The Internet: 10 articles; 16,829 chars; 580 unique words
Network Economics: 15 articles; 88,911 chars; 1,967 unique words
Media and Community: 21 articles; 56,413 chars; 1,509 unique words
Open Source and Software Design: 13 articles; 48,806 chars; 1,427 unique words
Interviews: 5 articles; 51,063 chars; 1,611 unique words
Vocabulary shared between all subjects
|will100 |use97 |any90 |only87 |name86 |email81 |option81 |address80 |article79 |message77 |note77 |store77 |add76 |transfer74 |purpose74 |recipient72 |because70 |can69 |user69 |people69 |time68 |world68 |its67 |year65 |thing65 |good65 |system64 |much64 |change64 |makes64 |create64 |us64 |many64 |increase63 |does63 |run63 |informal63 |number63 |need62 |without62 |phone62 |problem62 |service62 |better62 |think62 |require62 |want62 |another62 |part62 |connect61 |import61 |access61 |right61 |mean61 |company61 |call61 |real61 |point61 |individual61 |though61 |happen61 |become60 |kind60 |come60
Vocabulary specific to each subject
RecentNapster and Peer-to-PeerWAP and the Wireless InternetGlobalization and The InternetNetwork EconomicsMedia and CommunityOpen Source and Software DesignInterviews
|group100 |weblog88 |social75 |software58 |blog55 |work49 |pattern48 |lazyweb45 |web44 |user41 |semantic40 |network40 |3g38 |because38 |people36 |wifi35 |community35 |can35 |music34 |distribute34 |member32 |diverse32 |permanet31 |description30 |inequality30 |scale29 |applicants29 |cost29 |system28 |encrypt28 |effect27 |school26|p2p100 |resource55 |com44 |hailstorm41 |micropayment36 |devcenter29 |areilly26 |freeloaders26 |dna25 |napster24 |database22 |privacy22 |peer-to-peer21 |register21 |file21 |compute20 |taxi20 |secure18 |openp2p18 |microsoft18 |workers18 |user18 |system17 |depart17 |decentralize17 |primary17 |key17 |network17 |standard16 |price16 |xml16 |umbrella15|recipient100 |option69 |purpose67 |transfer52 |forgotten49 |veneration49 |oversupply49 |spring49 |repository49 |vice-versa49 |augment49 |role-playing49 |daypop49 |credible49 |carroll49 |cereal49 |30k49 |piggy-backing49 |guys49 |hapless49 |beefs49 |twentieth49 |meta-indexing49 |forays49 |arabic49 |likeliest49 |flourished49 |kim49 |crackdown49 |semi-annually49 |meta-protocol49 |probity49|land100 |penetrate77 |country74 |itu69 |statistic69 |rate52 |phrase51 |world49 |telecom49 |subscribe49 |paragraph46 |growth38 |phone38 |compound38 |stasist38 |cellular38 |divide37 |dynamic37 |telephone34 |develop34 |annual32 |www32 |thousand32 |cell31 |oecd31 |capita31 |int31 |brunei31 |levert31 |speech28 |telecommunication28 |per28|weblog100 |cost81 |network79 |community67 |tv65 |audience58 |fax57 |voip53 |fee53 |price50 |wifi50 |income47 |custom47 |profit47 |attention44 |distribute40 |micropayment40 |zapmail40 |fedex40 |print38 |work37 |land36 |broadcast36 |compute34 |internet34 |content34 |telephone33 |phone32 |pay32 |people32 |can31 |worth31|group100 |social60 |compute59 |member56 |audience50 |network47 |community46 |student43 |memorable42 |software38 |internet29 |icann28 |politely27 |mail24 |join22 |connect20 |person20 |differ19 |unique18 |user18 |thousand18 |namespace18 |online18 |can18 |engage18 |global17 |size17 |communicate17 |large17 |domain16 |constitute16 |design16|quake100 |vrml95 |3-d78 |web74 |design63 |disk49 |space46 |engine43 |compute42 |traffic37 |network36 |protocol32 |linux30 |nt30 |site30 |weak27 |particular26 |gopher26 |develop25 |share25 |server22 |interface22 |coordinate22 |render22 |user22 |strong20 |speed20 |browser20 |evolve20 |display20 |handle19 |can19|micropayment100 |media89 |news82 |outlet73 |indymedia72 |journalist68 |site66 |design59 |industry58 |drudge55 |web52 |clay50 |internet48 |opinion48 |riaa45 |interest43 |people43 |music41 |culture41 |protests41 |explosive41 |evolution40 |ethics40 |journal40 |trust40 |cable40 |professional40 |mph40 |qpass40 |wap40 |know39 |slashdot38
Subject resources used for this analysis
RecentNapster and Peer-to-PeerWAP and the Wireless InternetGlobalization and The InternetNetwork EconomicsMedia and CommunityOpen Source and Software DesignInterviews