The Joel on Software Discussion Group (
Prepared on: Tue May 23 21:48:00 EDT 2006
Use stemmer: TRUE
Phrase arity: 1
Unique words: 15,493
Summary of subjects
Joel on Software: 117 articles; 778,733 chars; 7,532 unique words
Business of Software: 178 articles; 1,083,321 chars; 8,186 unique words
Design of Software: 73 articles; 425,582 chars; 4,697 unique words
Jobs: 45 articles; 147,661 chars; 2,613 unique words
.NET Questions: 73 articles; 183,821 chars; 2,727 unique words 52 articles; 105,316 chars; 1,772 unique words
CityDesk: 34 articles; 55,484 chars; 1,333 unique words
FogBugz: 127 articles; 148,460 chars; 2,102 unique words
Fog Creek Copilot: 11 articles; 7,061 chars; 327 unique words
Vocabulary shared between all subjects
|use100 |can97 |will94 |work89 |any89 |time87 |does86 |think85 |only85 |want85 |know84 |code84 |look84 |try83 |http82 |problem81 |something81 |thank81 |thing79 |help79 |good79 |differ78 |very77 |find77 |because77 |support77 |www77 |write77 |might77 |case76 |change76 |run76 |set76 |much76 |software76 |sure76 |ca76 |system75 |question75 |start75 |give75 |may75 |actual75 |without75 |idea74 |page74 |seem74 |point74 |user74 |since74 |possible73 |else73 |another73 |check73 |person73 |solution73 |issue73 |being73 |before72 |day72 |name72 |better72 |anyone72 |number72
Vocabulary specific to each subject
Joel on SoftwareBusiness of SoftwareDesign of SoftwareJobs.NET QuestionsTechInterview.orgCityDeskFogBugzFog Creek Copilot
|develop100 |applicant82 |phd76 |java65 |delphi61 |pb54 |manage53 |framework51 |job48 |money48 |peopl48 |school46 |need45 |net44 |project43 |architect42 |web39 |vista39 |app37 |year36 |ask35 |really35 |vb634 |team34 |sleep33 |com33 |buy32 |academia32 |php31 |microsoft30 |card30 |tool30|shareware100 |market89 |sale85 |smallest79 |develop79 |money72 |company69 |product59 |sell58 |busy50 |offer46 |microsoft44 |hire43 |peopl43 |outsource43 |buy42 |charge42 |need40 |com40 |invoice39 |applicant39 |delphi39 |isv39 |vat39 |web38 |custom38 |google37 |competitor37 |ask37 |job35 |project35 |skill34|regex100 |pointer56 |java50 |applicant49 |regexp44 |println40 |object38 |develop31 |architecture31 |need30 |express28 |app28 |interface26 |bigdecimal26 |database24 |languags24 |regular24 |memory23 |transact23 |design22 |php22 |implement22 |framework22 |biztalk21 |id21 |sql21 |float20 |mysql20 |vb19 |array19 |delphi19 |int19|job100 |develop86 |resume75 |industry55 |skill52 |recruit40 |opportunity35 |salary34 |project34 |applicant32 |college27 |trade27 |employ26 |offer26 |java26 |experiment24 |technology23 |interview22 |school22 |manage22 |nate21 |degree19 |quality19 |professional19 |contact18 |money18 |hour18 |dc17 |team17 |hr17 |graduate17 |london17|aspect100 |assembly94 |dataset82 |net82 |startup75 |applicant74 |object54 |webrequest52 |aspx50 |cold50 |nhibernate49 |project48 |seconds47 |app47 |wss47 |nunit43 |layer42 |dll42 |load42 |null41 |lock39 |variable39 |inherit38 |file37 |list136 |webrequestprefixelement36 |member35 |class33 |web32 |align31 |prefix31 |prefixlist30|char100 |str1100 |array73 |s164 |str262 |str50 |s250 |struct46 |division43 |prision40 |sizeof38 |sage36 |pointer33 |hash33 |int32 |alloc31 |ptr31 |talker29 |malloc27 |strcat26 |void25 |prison25 |coin24 |tmp124 |pnz24 |kanji23 |temp23 |constructor21 |toss21 |newstr21 |element21 |declare20|citydesk100 |publish16 |wysiwyg16 |cityscript15 |headline14 |cms14 |article12 |cd11 |file11 |template10 |darren9 |foreach8 |wordpress8 |format8 |editor8 |pdfs8 |markdown8 |site7 |html7 |menus7 |script7 |merijn7 |cty7 |image6 |tk6 |ftp6 |span6 |fogcreek6 |copy6 |extra26 |relate5 |discuss5|fogbugz100 |fb19 |project15 |manage11 |brett10 |upgrade8 |v56 |discuss6 |fogcreek6 |relate6 |shortcut5 |technical5 |dbxtra5 |release5 |mailbox4 |resolve4 |filter4 |firefox4 |fog4 |creek3 |kb3 |sql3 |bug3 |category3 |undecided3 |email3 |popup3 |report3 |rss3 |column3 |server3 |restart3|copilot100 |sm83 |creek52 |fog52 |helper52 |helpee42 |invited16 |sam16 |gunnar14 |mouse13 |credit10 |affiliate10 |norton10 |keyboard9 |clock9 |refresh9 |session8 |press8 |tick7 |broadband7 |french7 |reboot7 |subscription7 |card7 |shift-27 |petersblog7 |big-idea-wise7 |screen-shots7 |dial-up7 |re-connecting7 |skypeout7 |56k7
Subject resources used for this analysis
Joel on SoftwareBusiness of SoftwareDesign of SoftwareJobs.NET QuestionsTechInterview.orgCityDeskFogBugzFog Creek Copilot